Updates and Realm of Hope's Sequel

Hello! It’s been so long since I last updated this blog. I apologize - I’ve been so swamped with posting on Tiktok and Instagram daily, writing, editing, and so much other time sinks that I got so burnt out about blogging.

Fortunately, I am back!

It’s been over a year since Realm of Hope’s release. And since then, I have met all of my sales goals and hit 11K followers on Tiktok and 2.8K followers on Instagram. I’ve also sold out of signed copies several times and keep seeing plenty post about Realm of Hope. I’ve also had my book sold at a local bookstore that I will talk about more in a later blog post.

In addition, I am hoping to be at an indie author convention this summer in Omaha. I’m so excited for it! I’m also hoping to get more merch such as stickers and character art prints. Several have reached out about getting Realm of Hope into an audiobook, so I will be looking into it!

As for updates about Realm of Hope’s sequel, it is currently in the beta reading phase! In the meantime, I will be focused on marketing and writing a prequel short story from a different point of view. This short story will be free to newsletter subscribers. There is also character art that I will reveal this month!

There will be plenty more updates to come for all subscribers. If you’d like to get character art sneak peeks, insider info, access to free short stories, access to deleted chapters/scenes, or general updates, please sign up!

This is E.L. Li, and I’m writing what I want to read.